LLC Company
When learning about the different types of business structures, it’s important to know your business model before committing to a structure. If you need large, institutional investments, then your structure may be different from a typical SaaS (software-as-a-service) business model. Here, you will discover what limited liability companies (LLCs) are and how they differ from […]
What Are Syndicates and How Do They Work?
In the world of angel investing, a syndicate is a term used to describe the temporary alliance of businesses that essentially join forces, working together to manage a large transaction that would be difficult, if not downright impossible, to manage on their own. In other words, it’s a venture capital fund created for the express […]
Guide to SaaS Project Management Systems and Top Solutions
What is a PM Software? Project management software are designed to improve efficiency of project management teams through tools including progress tracking and collaboration tools. Compared to traditional/on-premises PM software, SaaS PM solutions are more versatile because of their cross-platform compatibility, scalability, flexibility and low initial cost. SaaS or on-demand solutions allow businesses of all […]
SaaS vs On-Premises: Choosing the Right Enterprise Solutions
Deciding between an in-house or on-premises and SaaS solution is an important element of an IT strategy. That’s especially true for large enterprises that are always looking for a competitive advantage. Choosing between the two depends on a lot of factors and there isn’t any magical formula that works for all kinds of businesses. Things […]
Programa de Canais para empresas SaaS: como medir e otimizar a performance
Post publicado originalmente em: O sucesso de uma empresa SaaS está ligado a uma série de fatores, tal como sua velocidade de crescimento e a real entrega de valor para seus clientes, o que irá refletir na capacidade de retenção e sucesso do cliente logo nos primeiros milestones. Uma boa estratégia de canais pode permitir […]
9 podcasts sobre SaaS para você acompanhar
Podcasts são excelentes para nos mantermos atualizados com as tendências do mercado e também conhecer mais sobre os caras que admiramos. Eu acompanho diversos podcasts. Muitos deles são focados em SaaS, falando sobre desafios, objetivos e aprendizados de escalar um negócio na nuvem. Separei meus 9 podcasts sobre SaaS preferidos para você acompanhar diariamente. 1. […]