13 talks para founders SaaS no Superlógica Xperience 2018

13 talks para founders SaaS no Superlógica Xperience 2018

Quando fomos convidados para montar a trilha SaaSholic para o Superlógica Xperience 2018, já sabíamos que teria muita coisa boa acontecendo por lá! São mais de 70 palestrantes e 2.5k participantes para conhecer e fazer networking. Muito conteúdo animal para founders SaaS. Com tanta coisa boa, fica aquela dúvida: o que assistir? Separei 12 talks focados em […]

3 maneiras para destravar o potencial do seu pipeline de vendas com melhores processos

3 maneiras para destravar o potencial do seu pipeline de vendas com melhores processos

Todos nós já ouvimos várias vezes o que estamos fazendo de errado com o nosso pipeline de vendas e o que poderíamos melhorar. Porém, depois de anos trabalhando com sales enablement e ajudando times de vendas a gerenciarem melhor seus pipelines, eu percebi que muitas práticas e métricas chaves não resolvem o que realmente trava muitos times […]

Notes from SaaStr 16’ — Day 3 Summary

SaaStr 16'

Final day at SaaStr Annual 16′. This was the best event that I attended as a SaaS founder. If you want to review the previous days, here are my notes: Day 1 Notes Day 2 Notes What Makes a Great SaaS CEO Josh Stein, Jason Lemkin Key insight: If you can get to U$1m in ARR […]

Podcast: Aaron Ross on SaaS Sales


Aaron is known most known for writing a book called “Predictable Revenue” that became the sales bible in Silicon Valley. His ideas on sales transformed businesses around the world and made him well know in the software industry. I recently caught up with Aaron to chat about the challenges of SaaS sales, how big companies […]

SaaS Finance Terminologies: Acronyms of the Trade

Introduction Many users find SaaS terminology confusing at first, especially people new to cloud technologies. Understanding SaaS terminology is essential in building a solid SaaS strategy or buying SaaS services. Below we outline all of the important terminologies and acronyms related to SaaS and provide a brief overview of each. Some of the terms included […]

SaaS Terminology: Acronyms of the Trade

saas terminology

Many users find SaaS terminology confusing at first, especially people new to cloud technologies. Understanding SaaS terminology is essential in building a solid SaaS strategy or buying SaaS services. Below we outline all of the important terminologies and acronyms related to SaaS and provide a brief overview of each. Some of the terms included here […]

Customer Acquisition Cost

Costumer Acquisition Cost

Customer Acquisition Cost, or simply CAC, refers to the resources that a business must allocate (financial or otherwise) in order to acquire an additional customer. It includes every single effort necessary to introduce your products and services to potential customers, and then convince them to buy and become active customers. Some common sales & marketing […]

#1 CS Cast — Um bate papo sobre Customer Success

Sim, ele chegou!!! Está no ar o primeiro episódio do primeiro podcast sobre Customer Success do Brasil! Para começar, começamos pelo começo Conheça um pouco mais sobre os autores desse blog, como chegaram na área de CS e também claro um pouco sobre Customer Success. Estamos ansiosos pelo episódio #2, então deixe o seu comentário […]

#SaaStrAnnual 2019: Day III — #SaaSholic Notes

#SaaStrAnnual 2019

Last day 😉 How To Scale an Open Culture. What We’ve Learned at Atlassian (Sometimes The Hard Way) We created systems for a new way of working. We see people getting trapped in older structures, older conventions that don’t make sense anymore. We made a product that fosters this vulnerability and openness; All our products work this […]

#SaaStrAnnual 2019: Day I — #SaaSholic Notes

#SaaStrAnnual 2019

Church time! It’s @SaaStr annual, again! Simple, raw, unedited, sometimes weird notes. Anyone is invited to contribute, add comments and reframe it. If you’re tuning in, feel free to tweet at me or leave a comment 😉 The Billion U$ ARR club is coming 😉 #revenicorns The Things Nobody Tells You About An $8B Acquisition with Ryan […]